TTbot - Track&Tell Jetson based bot that connec...
TTbot - bot that says truth The following is my short story on upgrading my previous bot to be OpenAI-compatible....
AWS DAS - Data Analytics certification passed.
AWS DAS passed! The most important cert for Data engineer is behind me. I feel happy and satisfied because I...
Machina ze słabością do pomarańczy (czyli RPi z...
Gdy zacząłem parać się elektroniką to na początek stycznia wystawiłem sobie hobbistyczny cel - zrobić zdalnie sterowany samochodzik do końca...
Szafa świeci - automatyka domowa z ESP
Projekt powstał jako spełnienie potrzeb domowych - ciemność w szafie. Któregoś pięknego popołudnia zostałem zapytany przez małżonkę czy jest możliwość...
Mierzymy temperaturę z ESP8266
Termometr z wyświetlaczem - zrób to sam W dzisiejszym epizodzie podzielę się swoją drogą jaką przebyłem by stworzyć samemu termometr...
Wielki powrót Elektronika
Zmierz sobie temperaturę czyli Wielki powrót Elektronika Tak, skończyłem szkołę elektroniczną. Tak, miałem dobre oceny. Nie, nigdy nie była to...
Spark is Pandas on steroids
Read it if you fell in love in Pandas, and started to think about whether parallel processing can be easy...
Predicting posts
The following is the short description of the full small end to end data science project I chose for myself....
Clustering snacks and vegetables
Supervised vs Unsupervised: Lesson no 9 of Udacity’s Introduction to Machine Learning showed another aspect of machine learning to me....
2018 Accomplishments
what is in the past It is good to ‘find enjoyment for all your hard work’. I can see many...
Regression and Outliers and Beer
Distribution It is all about data distribution. Before applying any machine learning algorithm you have to answer the question. Do...
AI days
Intro The following is the report about the event that took place Nov 29th, this year, inside the Volvo. We...
Machine Learning with Udacity
I am studying Machine Learning with Udacity. Let me explain why, and why do I think Python nicely fits into...
NLTK revisited
NLTK revisited: why When you start working with some text-analysis project, sooner or later you will encounter the following problem:...
Innovation day at Volvo
As Volvo employee I had chance to attend several sessions during the Innovation Days summit held few days ago in...
Monitoring Wrocław weather with AWS
What if I wanted to compare AWS Lambdas with Azure Function apps? The previous weeks I did some Azure sample...
PyConPL 2018 report
It was time for a Python conference. Attending many JVM ones I never had chance to give Python its place....
Serverless monitoring of weather with Azure
Why project, why platform The project called “notifier” stayed always in my mind. It even had Python incarnation as you...
Tour of scala started for me
Motivation I attended Geecon 2018, this year’s IT conference. There are 2 main points I took into consideration. First, this...
OpenOffice docs and Python
Writing ODT by Python When creating my little Python utility I realized, that writing data to txt via print (console)...
Sharing your Python code
Problem The previous post was to show how I was able to help myself with inline pinyin-ization of text saved...